Frequently asked questions
Q: If you're successful, why do you want more clients?
A: It’s pretty simple: Economies of scale. It’s sort of like collective bargaining. We pool our client portfolio and buying power to gain better terms with the best manufacturers and negotiate better wholesale pricing. This alone makes the businesses more competitive and profitable than they would be going at it alone.
Q: Why don't you just build your own businesses?
A: Online marketplaces limit the number of stores to just one per household to protect competition. Building stores for others creates a win-win situation. We can grow beyond the limitation, leverage economies of scale, and provide more value for everyone.
Q: Do you offer individual services or consultations?
A: It really depends on the situation. Shoot us an email and we'll set up a meeting to see how we can help you out.
Q: Is this a get-rich-quick scheme?
A: We get the skepticism and see these in the industry, but that’s not our offer. Creating a long-term, cash-flowing asset takes time. Our infrastructure, team, and scale may skip the learning curve and simplify the process, but growth doesn’t happen overnight. These businesses need to generate a customer base and scale with time.
Q: I don't have any experience in e-commerce. How does this work?
A: Most of our clients have no experience. We start with where you're at. We set everything up and completely manage the business portfolio from launch through scale. You're the owner and we're your management team.
We're like your apartment manager. We take care of all the day-to-day operations, but you have complete control of access and accounts. You're paid directly by each marketplace. We invoice you for the management fee.
Q: How do I know that I won't lose my investment?
A: We have a performance guarantee. After an initial management term, if you haven't at least broken even on your initial investment, we'll work for free until you're profiting or we cover the difference.
We're confident in our systems, teams, and performance. Each business is different and although we can't guarantee specific results, we can guarantee that we've got your back.
© 2024 Solega, LLC. All rights reserved.

(833) 803-7333